Thu, 06.06.2024

Doctors' Ball donates 97,750 euro to “StoP - Neighborhoods without Partner Violence”

A record donation was achieved at the last Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball on January 27, 2024. Thanks to the charitable nature of the ball, according to which all proceeds go to charitable institutions, a total of 97,750 euro was handed over to “StoP - Neighborhoods without Partner Violence” - a project of the Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters, AÖF - with the help of sponsors and donations from ball guests.
The donation was handed over by Johannes Steinhart, President of the Austrian Medical Association: “It is really gratifying to see how our ball guests have been supporting the charitable cause for years and how their donations and attendance at the Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball enable us to support such an important social project.” At the beginning of 2024 in particular, there was a sad record number of femicides in Austria, “which makes it all the more important to talk about and inform people about the issue of violence against women and children. As President of the Austrian Medical Association, I am therefore particularly pleased that the Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball can help with its donation,” said Steinhart.

Special thanks go to our main sponsors, the “Österreichische Ärzte- und Apothekerbank” and “TELLER von der Landstraße - Herrenmode & Hochzeitsmode”. In addition to our sponsors and supporters, it is also our ball guests who live the charity spirit of the Doctors' Ball. In recent years, money has been raised for “neunerhaus”, “Herzkinder”, “Licht für die Welt - Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit”, “JoJo - Kindheit im Schatten”, “DEBRA Austria - Hilfe für die Schmetterlingskinder”, the “Make-A-Wish Foundation® Austria” and “MOMO Kinderhospiz”, among others.

The head of the Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball Committee, Isabella Clara Heissenberger-Mass, who has been responsible for the Doctors' Ball again since 2024, believes that the high amount of donations is due to the fact that all surpluses were donated to a good cause: “The fact that such a glamorous event as the Doctors' Ball, which is financed primarily by the proceeds from ticket and table sales, has raised over 90,000 euro for a good cause is a highly gratifying event that we would like to repeat next year.”

A special feature of the Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball is its traditional charitable character. Since 2013, the net proceeds have been donated to a charitable organization. As in previous years, there were many donation opportunities on the evening of the ball, such as a charity raffle or the traditional casino for a good cause. Guests at the ball had the opportunity to try their luck at blackjack or roulette, win non-cash prizes and do something good at the same time, as every donation made at the casino went to the charity.

All proceeds and donations from the Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball 2024 were handed over to “StoP - Neighborhoods without Partner Violence” - a project of the Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters, AÖF. This initiative exists to prevent (domestic) violence against women and children, partner violence and femicide. StoP is a violence prevention project and starts where domestic violence happens: at home, in the neighborhood. Neighbors are encouraged to show civil courage and not to conceal or tolerate partner violence. StoP provides information and helps to recognize and interrupt domestic violence at an early stage.

“The Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball at the Vienna Hofburg is not only a highlight of the ball season, but also a major charity event. We are therefore all the more delighted that the StoP project has been selected for the Doctors' Ball 2024. We are overwhelmed by the great willingness to donate and would like to express our sincere thanks on behalf of all our employees. Apart from the great financial support, we very much appreciate the fact that the unfortunately often taboo topics of domestic violence and violence against women and children were given a place at the ball. With the ball donation, we were able to provide all visitors with information on the topic 'What to say - what to do against domestic violence'. Because everyone can say something - do something! Thank you to all donors and to the organization team for the wonderful ball night and for the sustainable support,” says Alicja Świtoń, Managing Director of the AÖF, Association of Autonomous Austrian Women's Shelters.

For many women, their own home is still the most dangerous place. More than one in five women who are currently in a relationship or have ever been in one have already experienced physical and/or sexual abuse from their (ex-)partner. One in three has experienced psychological violence from their (ex-)partner. On average, three women are killed every month. The perpetrators are almost always in a relationship or family relationship with the victims.
Nevertheless, the topic is still taboo and the number of unreported cases is also high - many cases of domestic violence remain undetected.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all ball guests, sponsors and supporters who helped to make the 72nd Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball a great success and to hand over a significant donation. Your generous support makes an important difference.

Join us at the 73rd  Vienna Medical Doctors' Ball and dance for a good cause on January 25, 2025, this time under the motto “A dance for life: A Charity Night for ME/CFS”
The Vienna Medical Association and the ball committee look forward to seeing you!